Why Shop Local Matters for Community & Economic Development

Implementing a Shop Local program in your community delivers many economic and community benefits. Learn:

  1. Why a Shop Local strategy will benefit your community.
  2. How economic development organizations can promote the businesses that are locally owned to create the greatest economic impact.
  3. What activities your small businesses can do to attract customers on Small Business Saturday.

Small Business Saturday is the Saturday after Thanksgiving. It follows Black Friday and starts the holiday shopping season.

  • 70% of US consumers are aware of Small Business Saturday.
  • Over 100 million people shop at small, independent businesses that day.
  • 58% of US consumers shopped/dined at more than one independently owned business during SBS weekend.
  • Over $13 Billion is spent on Small Business Saturday.


  • Mark Hays, Director of Business Development, SizeUp
  • Nic Straut, SEO Lead, NorthOne

Learn more about how you can promote Shop Local on your website.